
Sunday, June 24


I'm moving back to France on Monday until September, where I'll be spending some time in Marne la Vallée beside Paris ---Disneyland---
For some unknown reason I actually am really quite nervous! Besides knowing that I will be working as a waitress, and living with other cast members near the parks, I pretty much know nothing else. I'll find out on Monday whether I'm working in the parks, or the hotels, or the Disney Village or even the Golf resort.
I have to move into a room with another girl for the summer in an apartment or studio, and although I know that it'll probably be great fun, I just can't help being a bit anxious to get sorted and all organised. I don't really like not knowing whats going to be happening yet, but what can you do.
It's Disneyland afterall, can't be that bad!
  •                                                à couper le souffle - breathtaking
  •                                             un serveur, une serveuse – waiter, waitress

Saturday, June 23

La Mer.

Just having a lovely stroll along the pier with the girls.

l'océan = the ocean
un courant  = a current
une vague = a wave
se baigner = to bathe
agité = rough
calme = calm

Friday, June 22

Petit tapis.

 Just a couple of photos that caught my eye, as I browse around trying to find inspiration to do up the study area of my bedroom.
Always white.
Always Swedish.

(Wooden) floor / flooring - Parquet
Shutters - Volets
Wallpaper - Papier peint
Four-poster (bed) - Lit à baldaquin
Bedside table - Table de chevet
Lampshade - Abat-jour
Bedspread - Dessus-de-lit

Monday, June 18

Angle de champ.

Here are a few great pictures that I found on various photography sites and blogs and such. This is the kind of thing I would like to be able to do one day!

background - fond d'une image ou arrière-plan, partie du champ située à l'arrière du sujet principal.
autofocus - mise au point automatique, dispositif qui automatise la mise au point.
close-up - plan rapproché, gros plan, prise de vue macro.
depth of field - profondeur de champ, distance séparant le premier et dernier plans nets d'une image.
exposure - exposition, quantité de lumière qui traverse l’objectif et atteint le détecteur (CDD) pendant le temps de pose.

Saturday, June 16


 One thing I learnt today was that outfit posts are ridiculously hard to take while alone..
One of a possible few others to come, but I have to admit that I'm not totally comfortable with the idea. 
Mind you.. my favourites are where you see photo after photo of the same person.. although this... will never be 

  • le jean n. (pair of) jeans
  • la jupe n. skirt
  • le lacet n. (shoe)lace
    • la doublure n. lining
    • doux/douce adj. soft
    • l'écharpe n. f. scarf
  • la laine n. wool

Friday, June 15

Un Imperméable.

If the sun would come out, I might justify indulging in some hippy-esk, shabby chic, summer fashion items. Cowboy boots, mullet dresses and crochet, which seems to be making a major comeback.

Quel temps fait-il? - What's the weather like?
Il pleut.  - It's raining.
Il fait mauvais. - It's bad out.
Il fait nuageux./Il y a des nuages. - It's cloudy.
Il fait orageux. - It's stormy.
Il fait des éclairs. - There's lightning.
Il fait du tonnerre./Il tonne. - It's thundering.
Il fait du vent. - It's windy.
un parapluie - an umbrella


So a small bit more about the lovely trip down to Schull included a road trip from Cork to Schull with Jess and her hilarious brother Liam, in Jess's gorgeous new mini cooper!!!
Bombing around blaring music never really gets old..
and then we had a yum dinner at home in the house, where Jess's gang of friends came around, and after dinner we went up on top of St. Gabriel I think it was called? A nearby mountain for some beautiful views.

Next day was action packed too, as we took a boat out to Whiddy island and had lunch on the one lonely pub there.
Later on that night we had a bbq in Rian's house to top off a great trip.

Unfortunately I had to leave the next morning to be able to work today, whereas the others all headed down to Dingle for the night! Would have been so much fun, but such is life. I don't mind earning that bit of moolah at the races.

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