
Monday, July 21

"Get Sh*t Done!" by Niall Harbison - Book review

I've recently gotten back into reading, probably due to copious amounts of free time whilst I work only part-time. Instead of reaching for my usual trilogy of fantasy novels like Delirium or The Maze Runner series, I've gone for something different that caught my attention.
Although grossly unpopular amongst my friends, I wanted to purchase Niall Harbison's (of LovinDublin) new book, "Get Sh*t done".

I wasn't looking for a self-help book laden with bad language and fortunately that has not been the case. Having said that, my feelings about this book are mixed, and I think it would have greatly benefited from an extra few months of editing, as the whole book has a sense of been thrown together in a rushed manner, and although the content is mostly interesting, at about 200 pages in I began to notice repetition and even one or two contradictory statements with Harbison's earlier chapters.

I enjoy the website Lovindublin, but can understand why many really don't care to entertain it, with its harsh critique and "all or nothing" manner. But I do feel it has filled a kind of "yuppie" niche in the blogosphere. Moreover I have used it for restaurant advice and would heartily agree with many of the sites "Top Ten" lists.

Anyway, to be quite honest, I was curious about this Harbison guy, and why all my friends seem to groan and roll their eyes when I mention his work. So I picked up the book last week, and luckily too, because it is since out of stock.

Overall the book is an enjoyable enough read, with several interesting tips on creating a business, and many snippets into Niall's earlier life which I really enjoyed. Unfortunately though Harbison loses me with his use of sensational language. Everything is "the best", "the biggest", or "the most something", and although one might fall into his trap several times, it eventually it becomes a bit tiring and takes away from what he is trying to say, which could be perfectly valid, without the need for lavish language.

Another small thing I didn't like about this book is that Harbison uses few examples following an outlandish statement about the future of business, or success in business. He has done extremely well for himself no doubt, but he backs his guidelines up with maybe only one example from his previous experiences. In the few occasions that Harbison does uses other examples, he only likens to big companies such as Apple or Facebook. As much as I admire both these companies, I already know an awful lot about them, it would have been far more interesting if Harbison had used less obvious shall we say, examples.

In summary, the book is a quick read, it has some great personal anecdotes and is largely enjoyable. Although it lets itself down with its "thrown together" structure and overall lack of focus and reader consideration, leading me to believe that I probably would not purchase his next book.

*I haven't been able to find any other blog reviews on this book yet, but will post them here once I do.

Monday, July 7

Thoughts on apartments.

A close friend of mine recently moved into his first apartment from home. I helped a little with the moving process and have got the urge again to leave home again for the third time maybe? I have left and returned already several times with the way things have turned out. But I imagine that the next time I move out of my parents home will be the final time, hopefully in part because of my new full-time exciting job (which I have yet to acquire..).

Anyway, back to the apartment. I love the moving process! It is an excuse for a minimalist like me to do yet another clear out and rearrange and organise my possessions. My first apartment was in a very old building in a super location, but the block was so old it was impossible to keep dust out, and all the furniture and fittings were ancient.
I heard once that as you move out, you move up.. so each apartment after the next gets better.
The following one was definitely a step in the right direction in some ways because I had my own small studio. It was brighter and less ancient.. and had slightly more modern fittings. Ergo, the fridge was not in the hall.

Now that I'm finished university, had a near-year away of travel experience, and in search for my first proper job, I feel a share in an apartment is the next appropriate step for me.
Helping Allan out was so much fun, and helped me decide on which area I would like to live in, and realise I do not wish to live alone, though preferably with tidy roommates with impeccable Swedish design taste..
Okay I realise this isn't very realistic. In the past I have been too uptight regards space, cleanliness etc..
But I hope after my time in Australia moving constantly from hostels, dorms and camper vans to tents, that I have chilled out enough to be a suitable roommate candidate.

Only time will tell, and I realise that I will have to insist on certain things such as a double room and private bathroto keep my sanity and be able to live with others in the communal areas.
So I've been keeping an eye out on for places and on pinterest for some small space design ideas and decor inspiration.
I'm pretty sure my apartment won't look exactly like any of the following pictures, but it's nice to have something to aspire to.

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