
Tuesday, November 8


Today, the president of the country came to visit our little business school. The event was only announced yesterday for some reason or other, and the conference was strictly invitation only to 3rd years and masters students.

It was a questions and answers session, and was broadcast live on all the tv's around the school.
I went with Kat to a lecture theatre were we sat and watched the conference happening downstairs.
It wasn't all that exciting to be honest, but the snipers on the roof of my building and the amount of security surrounding the school caused much more of a scene.

This afternoon, I drove over to Kehl with Dan and Tom to pick up a few cheap supplies and managed to find boot polish which I had being looking for for ages.
I'm delighted with how my boots scrubbed up! I feel like they are almost new shoes!

When I arrived back from Germany, I ran to meet up with Julie, a french girl I met last week.
We sat in the little coffee shop around the corner from me until we were asked to leave!
She is so lovely, and it's such a pity she goes home at the weekends to her parents home in Lorraine. But we have arranged to meet up for a spot of shopping in the centre next week.

For now, I'm just about to pop into the shower and then head down to Dan's apartment where he is having a few people over and maybe heading out after.
I don't really feel like going out because I know that we are going out big time tomorrow night... so I'll have to see...

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