
Friday, March 30


A lot of baking went on while I was at home. I guess I realised how much I take for granted a large and fully stocked kitchen...
Here are mum's raspberry almond squares, and my attempt at a coffee cake...

Je marche au pas.

New summer shoes.

Goûtes-en un peu.

Trying to be healthy, shopping trip.

 Lunch of pesto, mimolette, spinach, corn and tuna. Nom.

Sunday, March 25

Gâteau Marbré.

 I baked again. This time a marble cake for Allan, Katie and Sonia who came over last night to catch-up and fill me in on all the Irish goings-on.
We're going to see each other again this Monday evening for a meal or drinks or such. 

Saturday, March 24

La Randonnée.

New Steve Madden-esque shoes. Nice to be able to shop somewhere different than Rivetoile.

Monday, March 19

Les Lentilles.

My new favourite thing to eat is this mixture of lentils, peas, sweetcorn, tomato pasta sauce, curry powder, herbs and seasoning. Nom nom nom...

Sunday, March 18

Les Cils.

I picked up this new mascara, that I bought before last year in Spain. It is, in my opinion an exact duplicate of the famous YSL big lashes mascara, but for a fraction of the price. To be found at... of course, Kiko.

Sunday, March 11

Miam Miam.

On Friday evening, Laura and I went to an Alsacian restaurant with our french friend Elise, who happens to be one of the nicest, and fastest speaking, girls I've met in Strasbourg.
We have been out to dinner with her before, and it was nice to catch-up again after the holidays.

Wednesday, March 7


One of the best things about the trip was that within the group of 40, I didn't know many well.
It was like a total change of scenery from the usual people I see and hang out with, besides the Irish girls, Susie, Laura and Kate of course. It couldn't have been a better time to meet new people and completely escape Strasbourg in a totally different setting.













This guy Martino, we only met on the last night. Originally the plan was to have a meal together and a last final soirée. But during the week the organisers got to know the patron from VI AI PI, and organised something special for us. The entire evening would have cost 70euro on top of our pre-paid trip, but the organisers got the university to pay 60euro per person, meaning we only had to contribute a tenner for this evening!
We began at 4.00 in the evening after a day of skiing. Where we met Martino, our charismatic leader and donned our raquettes. These are basically tennis rackets that fit to your shoes to make walking in the snow possible.
We took a chair lift up some of the mountain and began our walk with the raquettes. We then stopped for caramelised peanuts and a special type of vin chaud that Martino had prepared earlier. We sat in the snow as he told us how it was made and various stories about the mountains.
We continued on our walk to end up in VI AI PI, where we sat outside and had drinks as the sun went down. After about an hour, we moved inside to a gorgeous room that was really like a log cabin.
We had a large starter of shrimp and veg in filo pastry with salad and bread rolls. Our main course was a tartiflette which is the typical mountain food again made with a special cheese called reblochon.
For dessert we had a rich chocolate and nut tart type thing. And of course lots of wine.
Two snow-mobiles collected us in groups of 8 and brought us down some of the mountain.
We put back on our raquettes and these thick black sacks with holes in them.
The idea was that we sledge on our stomachs, head first down the mountains...
As you can imagine, this was slightly painful, a little bit risky, but great fun!
When we reached the bottom of the mountain there were mini-buses to bring us back to our resort as we had ended up in a small village on another side of the mountain.
It was an incredible way to end a brilliant holiday.

Tuesday, March 6

Capter l'instant.

 Having my new zoom lens really has started to come in handy. My initial problem with it was that I have to be about a metre and a half away from my object for it to take a picture.
This could be kind of annoying, meaning that to take those kinds of pictures I have to change lens to my other one. But it really has started to blossom where I'm in outdoor situations. It gives me the freedom to simply stand or sit in one position and capture tons of different photos without having to move about.

Ski-schools were all about the slopes, and the really small kids even at the age of two, were down in a kind of ski playground with instructors. Some of them would be so good and you would see even the smallest kids whizzing down the red slopes with ease.

 Superdévoluy was the name of the resort we were at. Small, lots of mountains, student orientated, not the prettiest I heard from some of the experts, but nevertheless a perfect place for me to learn.

 This place VI AI PI, was up in the mountains and despite the outragegous prices(plate of chips 6euro), we stopped here nearly everyday. Most of the group of 40 of us would stop here around midday, and lounge in the sunbeds, or get something to eat or drink. On the last night this is where we ate, having gotten a special deal with the patron, who kept the place open for a 3 course dinner for us all. All pre-paid of course by our fabulous ski society organisers.


Throughout the week the sports society had organised something for everyday. Either is was to meet for a barbecue in the middle of the mountains, go sledging together or have an evening meal of mountain food. The whole trip was so well organised and everything had been paid for in advance which made it so handy. Each morning we collected fresh pain o chocolats and baguettes from their apartment for breakfast.

The mountain food generally consists of lots of cheese, potatoes, cream and bacon. Fish for myself.
Really delicious but you probably shouldn't get into a habit of it..
For lunchtime break I'd usually get the french onion soup which was nice.

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