
Sunday, August 3

An August wishlist..

This August is hopefully going to be a pretty busy month because I've got a job interview, a driving test, some friend's birthdays, and of course Electric Picnic at the very end.
Other than those big things, I will be doing my usual part-time work, some research into coding and digital marketing, might film a youtube video, and still reminiscing on renting a modern apartment around Grand Canal Dock.

As for a couple of things I wouldn't mind picking up when I get my first pay check are Hatching Twitter, the book about the founding of Twitter which sounds pretty similar to the Facebook story.

Another is the Nutribullet which I have been eyeing up in Brown Thomas for a few weeks now and which I am certain will be the beginning of a new healthier me.. !

Another thing on the wish list is that trip to Berlin in September. 
I have some close friends who are planning a trip over to visit a friend and I have never seen Berlin which almost seems like a crime these days. It sounds like such an exciting city so a few days there wouldn't go amiss seeing as I haven't been abroad in several long months.

Next up is a polypro hula-hoop. 
My current hula-hoop does the job, but I am simply outgrowing it and need a lighter and smaller hoop that will make practicing off-body tricks much easier.
Unfortunately they are pretty hard to track down and purchase the right kind. Maybe I will have some luck at a stall in Electric Picnic.

Ukulele lessons are also a must, since I bought that uke a few months ago now and I still cannot seem to be able to get it in tune, in spite of trying many times using youtube tutorials and buying a cherub tuner.

Oooh yes, another thing that fits in nicely to my new fit and healthy approach in September is black Nike free-riders. Although Im not much of a running fan, I do enjoy the gym, or hiking and at least having nice sports gear.

And I think the last thing on my wish list is some accessories for Electric Picnic. 
Half the fun of festival life for me is being able to look a bit crazy and release the inner hippy, tree-hugger. So I'll be after plenty of feather headbands and face paints for the festivities this year.

1 comment:

  1. Berlin and hula hops! Just what I'm striving for for a pretty much long time! :)

    If you want to follow each other, just visit me and let me know! :)


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